
About us

At MIQDAD Computers, we're on a mission to shape the future through innovative technology solutions. Our vision is to empower businesses and individuals with cutting-edge technological devices that drive growth, efficiency, and progress. 

Our journey

Founded in 1996, MIQDAD Computers embarked on a journey fueled by passion for technology. From our humble beginnings, we've evolved into a leading technology partner, delivering impactful solutions.

Catalyst for Transformation

At the heart of our identity is our commitment to being a catalyst for digital transformation. We collaborate closely with businesses to understand their unique needs and tailor solutions that accelerate growth, enhance customer experiences, and optimize operations.

The MIQDAD Computers Team

Meet the brilliant minds behind MIQDAD Computers. Our leadership team comprises seasoned industry experts, each contributing a wealth of knowledge and experience. Together, we foster a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous learning.

Shaping Tomorrow

As we look to the future, our excitement for emerging technologies only grows. We're dedicated to shaping a tomorrow where technology is a force for good.

Get in Touch

Ready to explore how MIQDAD Computers can elevate your technological journey? Contact us today to discuss your aspirations, challenges, and opportunities. Let's shape the future together.
